Rival is a One & Multi Page multipurpose, responsive template. It contains 110 HTML pages and offers the best solutions for your business.
Rival is template that ideal for Business, Corporate, Agency, Personal, Portfolio, Blog, Restaurant.
Rival has 10 multi-page and 10 one-page variants, 6 types of portfolio, 3 types of blogs, a plurality of components, working contact form, and working subscription form integrated with Mailchimp.
Rival has included now 4 restaurant pages.
If you have already purchase Rival template, you can redownload all future releases,for free, by using this link: https://wrapbootstrap.com/support/download-resender
- Fullscreen Parallax background
- Fullscreen Parallax Slider background
- Fullscreen Youtube video background
- Working AJAX contact form (PHP mail)
- Working AJAX subscription form integrated with Mailchimp
- Form validation
- ET-Line and Font Awesome icons
- More then 600 icons
- Total 110 pages
- Google map
- Responsive Layout
- Responsive video
- CSS Animation
- Documented
- Built with Bootstrap 3.3
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- jQuery Fitvids
- SmoothScroll v0.9.9
- GMaps.js v0.4.11
- Google Fonts
- Fontawesome
- Animate.css
- jqBootstrapValidation
- FitVids
- jquery.appear
- isotope
- imagesLoaded
- FlexSlider
- jquery.mb.YTPlayer
- Owlcarousel
Background images and video:
- <http://thestocks.im/>
- <http://subtlepatterns.com/>
- <http://graphicburger.com/>
- <http://www.imcreator.com/>
- <https://www.flickr.com/>
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