MetroMan Features:
- Metro inspired design.
- Flat design without much effects.
- Colorful theme.
- Comes with Revolution slider ($13).
- Block style navigation with ddlevelsmenu plugin.
- Responsive navigation bar.
- Parallax slider with 360 degree view background image.
- Unique and innovative blocks.
- Status section with data like customers, facebook, twitter, etc.,
- Unique pricing table design.
- Clients section.
- Four column footer section.
- Base file to create your own pages.
- 404 error page in case something went wrong.
- Three column about page with company details.
- Two blog layout styles along with sidebar.
- Single blog page with comments section.
- Careers page powered by Nav tabs.
- Clients page with clients logo and details.
- Simple coming soon page.
- Components file lists out all basic components.
- Contact us page with map, form and address.
- Events page with events details powered by Bootstrap collapse.
- FAQ page powered by Bootstrap collapse.
- Two cool features section styles.
- Simple gallery section.
- General section with all basic links and uses Bootstrap nav tabs.
- Inbuilt landing page with screenshot, buttons and details.
- Simple login and registration page.
- Portfolio page with isotope filtering.
- Portfolio and gallery page uses Lightbox gallery.
- Process page to showcase your working process.
- Projects page with image slider and project details.
- Inbuilt resume page to showcase yourself.
- Two different service section styles.
- Sitemap page with all your links.
- Statement page to list your company statement.
- Support page with list filtering option.
- Tasks page lists our your tasks with priority.
- Team page shows your company employees.
- Testimonials is of two styles.
- Timeline page to show your company progress.
- Fully based on bootstrap.
- Uses font awesome icons.
- Uses Google web fonts.
- Fully responsive.
- Bootstrap -
- jQuery -
- HTML5Shiv - @afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem
- Respond - Authors & copyright (c) 2012: Scott Jehl, Paul Irish, Nicholas Zakas.
- Pattern -
- Font awesome icon -
- Photos -
- prettyPhoto -
- DDNavigation Menu -
- Revolution Slider -
- Parallax content slider -
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