AdminFlare is a responsive template based on Twitter Bootstrap Framework and built with LESS. AdminFlare has a clean and beautiful interface which makes your project look awesome and user friendly.
The template comes with a draggable on small screen sizes left navigation panel (using iScroll Light) and two types of second-level navigation.
Full feature list
- Simple and clean design
- Responsive 12-column stacked-left, centered and fluid layouts
- Build with LESS
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Node.js scripts for LESS and JS compiling
- Easy to customize
- Easy to exclude unused components and plugins
- 11 color themes
- 361 icons in one font (FontAwesome)
- Based on Twitter Bootstrap 2.3.2
- jQuery 1.10.2
- Draggable on small screen sizes left navigation panel
- Two types of second-level navigation
- 14 ready-to-use widgets
- 11 Custom pages
- Integrated Flot charts
- Easy Pie Charts
- JQuery Sparklines
- Dynamic tables (Fuelux Datagrid)
- Styled form elements (Fuelux)
- Form validation (jqBootstrapValidation)
- WYSIWYG-Editor (bootstrap-wysihtml5)
- Markdown Editor (bootstrap-markdown)
- Colorpicker for Bootstrap (bootstrap-colorpicker)
- Datepicker for Bootstrap (datepicker-colorpicker)
- Timepicker for Bootstrap (bootstrap-timepicker)
- Autosizing textarea (jQuery Autosize)
- Toggle buttons (jQuery Toggles)
- In-place editing with X-editable
- Wizards (Fuelux Wizard)
- Growl-like notifications (bootstrap-notify)
- Dialog boxes (Bootbox)
- Clickovers (Bootstrapx Clickover)
- Masked inputs (Masked Input Plugin)
- Character limit counter
Supported Browsers
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox 4+
- Safari 5+
- Opera 11+
- Internet Explorer 9+
- Firefox for Mobile 5+
- Opera Mobile 11.5+
- Added Bootstrap Markdown editor plugin
- Added Character limit counter plugin
- Added Masked inputs plugin
- Added Quick buttons
- Added Google Maps widget
- Added Blank page
- Added Full page map
- Added Error 404 page
- Added Error 500 page
- Bootstrap updated to version 2.3.2
- jQuery updated to version 1.10.2
- Removed jQuery Migrate script
- Font Awesome updated to version 3.2.1
- iScroll Lite updated to version 4.2
- Bootbox updated to version 3.3.0
- jQuery Autosize updated to version 1.17.1
- jqBootstrapValidation updated to version 1.3.7
- Easy Pie Charts updated to version 1.2.1
- Bootstrap X-Editable updated to version 1.4.5
- jQuery Float charts updated to version 0.8.1
- jQuery Toggles updated to version 2.0.4
- Fixed LESS compilation error
- Removed a debug alert in index.html
- Implemented a fixed layout. To use it just remove the "responsive" imports in "ThemeName/bootstrap.less" and "ThemeName/adminflare.less"
- Fixed navigation responsivity bug in IE
- Fixed few small CSS issues (focus state of links, tabs and pagination links in IE; padding for dropdown-toggle buttons; removed outlines in IE)
- X-Editable updated to version 1.4.3
- Fuel UX updated to version 2.3.0
- Bootbox updated to version 3.2.0
- jQuery Autosize updated to version 1.16.7
- jQuery Migrate updated to version 1.1.1
- jQuery updated to version 1.9.1
- Bootstrap updated to version 2.3.1
- Fixed responsive functionality of the main navigation
- Added Pricing page
- Added Stream page
- Added Messages page
- Added Sign Up page
- Updated Sign In page
- Added status panel widget
- Added stream widget
- Added stars rating widget
- Added styled pie charts widget
- Added pie charts widget
- Added messages widget
- Added chat widget
- Added statistics widget
- Added tasks widget
- Added users activity widget
- Added threads widget
- Added comments widget
- Added support tickets widget
- Added jQuery Sparklines plugin
- Added dropdown menus to the left panel
- Added centered and fluid layouts
- Initial release
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