Download 3 in 1 - Admin + Front End + E-Commerce - v5.1.1

Download 3 in 1 - Admin + Front End + E-Commerce - v5.1.1
Download 3 in 1 - Admin + Front End + E-Commerce - v5.1.1

Mac Themes Features:
  1. Three in one theme - Admin, Front End and E-Commerce.
  2. Top selling theme in wrapbootstrap.
  3. Admin theme comes with stunning UI designs.
  4. Admin navbar supports dropdown.
  5. Header has notification blocks with dropdown.
  6. Header section shows the quick status.
  7. Sidebar navigation menu with dropdown support.
  8. Mini charts are powered by Sparkline plugin.
  9. Big charts using jQuery Flot plugin.
  10. jQuery noty plugin for notifications.
  11. Cool widget UI design with minimize, maximize and close buttons.
  12. Base file to create your own pages.
  13. Calendar page is based on full calendar plugin.
  14. Calendar page shows google calendar datas.
  15. Supports bar charts, curve charts, pie charts and real time charts.
  16. You can change the speed of real time charts.
  17. All charts are fully responsive.
  18. Simple 404 error page.
  19. Error log page to catch errors generated.
  20. CL Editor for forms.
  21. Gallery page with image lists.
  22. Gallery page uses prettyPhoto gallery.
  23. Grid page to showcase the gird.
  24. Invoice page shows the layout of invoice.
  25. Login and register page.
  26. Media page shows list of media files.
  27. Posts page to add your own posts with categories, tags, custom fields, etc.,
  28. Statement page shows the layout of account statement.
  29. Support page with filtering option.
  30. Tables page shows table UI.
  31. Bootstrap switch plugin.
  32. Horizontal and vertical slider based on jQuery UI plugin.
  33. jQuery star rating plugin.
  34. jQuery date and time picker.
  35. Black widget support.
  36. Chat widget to chart with members.
  37. Recent posts and recent comments widget.
  38. File upload widget with progress bar.
  39. Server widget with server status.
  40. Browser and operating system widget.
  41. Tasks widget to manage tasks.
  42. Quick posts widget to add posts quickly.
  43. Project widget to track project.
  44. Recent activity widget.
  45. Map widget with google maps.
  46. Users widget and quick settings widget.
  47. Fully based on bootstrap.
  48. Fully responsive.
  49. Uses google web fonts.
  50. Uses font awesome icons.
  51. Front end theme comes in 6 colors.
  52. Colors - Blue, brown, green, yellow, orange, red.
  53. It comes with three different sliders - Flex, Parallax and Refine slider.
  54. Recent posts carousel.
  55. Clients section.
  56. Four column footer.
  57. Two styles for 404 error page.
  58. Two styles for about page.
  59. Five styles for blog page with and without sidebar.
  60. Blog single page with comments section.
  61. Careers page uses Bootstrap nav tabs.
  62. Clients page with logo and other details.
  63. Simple inbuilt coming soon page with subscribe form.
  64. Two styles for contact page.
  65. Contact page comes with contact form, maps and address.
  66. Events page with bootstrap collapse.
  67. Simple FAQ page with bootstrap collapse.
  68. Three styles for features page.
  69. Gallery page with prettyphoto lightbox.
  70. Grid page to showcase bootstrap grid.
  71. Simple login and register page.
  72. Two styles for portfolio page with isotope filtering.
  73. Portfolio page supports lightbox plugin.
  74. Two styles for pricing table.
  75. Simple process page to showcase your working process.
  76. Simple project page with image slider and project details.
  77. Inbuilt resume page to showcase yourself.
  78. Three styles for service page.
  79. Sitemap page with all links.
  80. Support page with list filtering.
  81. Testimonial section with slider and without slider.
  82. Ecommerce page come with 6 colors.
  83. Brown, red, orange, yellow, green and blue.
  84. Simple flex slider for ecommerce page.
  85. Model support for viewing cart items.
  86. Recent item carousel.
  87. Item support hot, deal, new and sale icons.
  88. Three column footer with payment icons.
  89. Simple check out page with contact details and payment details.
  90. Simple confirmation page design.
  91. General page with general links with bootstrap nav tabs.
  92. Items page with sidebar menu with dropdown.
  93. My account page with account details.
  94. Order history and wishlist page.
  95. View cart page to view items in the cart.
  96. Single item page with item details and add to cart button.
  97. Single item page supports flex slider for image.
  98. Product details uses Bootstrap nav tabs.
  99. Review and rating section in single item page.
  100. Featured items on sidebar.

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